Emek Turker

Emek Turker is a graduate of Baskent University in Turkey, obtained his bachelor's
degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in 2016. He worked as a sports
physiotherapist in a multidisciplinary team alongside sports medicine doctors and
athletic trainers at Turkey's largest Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance
Center. During his tenure there, he was responsible for the rehabilitation and
performance testing of elite athletes from various disciplines and nationalities.
With 7 years of experience as a physiotherapist, he has dedicated his career to
sports physiotherapy and neuromusculoskeletal therapy. Throughout his career,
he has completed various training programs such as Mulligan Concept, IKOMT
Concept, Dry Needling and Taping to develop his expertise and apply evidence-
based approaches. Assessing individual patient needs and developing
personalized treatment plans, he has made significant contributions to the health
and recovery of patients